Author: marcusjcarlson

A Testimony

Below is a testimony from a church I have been working with both in my work that is noted on this website and my work with Preparing for Amazement Ministries. It is a church that burned to the ground over a year ago. “I am very grateful for Pastor Marcus and his journey with us […]

New Book Coming

This year I am working on our next book, Habits of Healthy Leaders. Like the Habits of Healthy Churches book, we have identified the top 7 habits of healthy leaders, particularly from a faith perspective.  1 Healthy leaders are praying leaders.2. Healthy leaders are teachable & life-long learners.3. Healthy leaders do conflict well.4. Healthy leaders […]

Faith Based Services

We have recently updated our faith based services. Rev. Dr. Marcus J. Carlson offers a wide variety of faith based services for individuals, families, churches and ministries. Services include: spiritual travel, coaching, consulting, seminars, funerals, pulpit supply, sabbatical coverage, spiritual direction and intentional interim ministry. List of Faith Based Services List of Seminars Offered Bio

Exciting News

I am excited to share that I have completed my Working Genius Facilitator certification! Working Genius is an amazing tool created by the Table Group to help bring increased joy and productivity to work for individuals and teams! I am be offering individual and team coaching and consulting. Contact me for more information!

My Books

I am the proud author of three books. Writing is not at all my gift, nor is it something that brings me a lot of joy. Yet, it has been an important outlet and calling for me. I write because I want to be helpful. I want to take what I have learned and and […]

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