Author: marcusjcarlson

Closed Systems

Characteristics of Closed Systems In both my life and work, I have worked with, belonged to and encountered a variety of organizational systems. Unfortunately, in that time I have experienced a number of closed systems. Closed systems are by nature unhealthy, even if they or others believe them to be healthy. There are a variety […]

My Main Gig

Everyone should have at least on main gig and a side hustle. That is, everyone should consider multiple streams of income and having at least one main job and at least one side job. Not only does this help with income, but it allows you to learn and grow as you work in different capacities. […]

Spiritual Travel

One of the aspects of my personal ministry is leading spiritual travel. Spiritual Travel is travel with the purpose of deepening your faith. It is a more than Christian travel or travel to Christian places. Spiritual travel combines the historic, cultural and spiritual into one trip. Leading these trips and watching people learn, relax and […]

Israel 2022

Our 2021 Israel trip is getting ready to leave, but we are gearing up for our 2022 trip! Click here to learn more! The trip is November 7-16, 2022. There are three optional extensions for an additional cost. Marcus will be leading/participating in the Cairo and the Route of the Exodus extension, November 16-22.


I am always looking to share resources for pastors, churches and any leader who considers themselves a follower of Jesus. One of the ways I share those resources is through the blog for the ministry I lead, Preparing for Amazement Ministries. Here you can find information on habits of healthy churches, habits of healthy leaders, […]

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